Thank You!!!

IMG_0907My sincere thanks to everyone who helped make the Shattered Abacus two day promotion so successful! Readers downloaded a grand total of 4,272 copies!! These books are a joy to write, and my attempt to create a world of friendship, empathy, adventure, and love (and a little quantum physics) for young at heart readers. Thank you!

2 thoughts on “Thank You!!!

  1. thank you back! You are responsible for so many hours of happy reading. I did not know you had a blog. I’m a bit dense that way. I will read the last one soon. In one of those can’t keep up with myself places. Too many books – not enough time but perhaps that is when I need the rabbits and mice and rabbitrons the MOST.


    • Hi Nora! I have a feeling you might interested in “The Real Stories Behind Orville and Bartholomew”. Lots of my ‘paranormal’ experiences which wound up in the books in one form or another. I don’t know much, but I do know life is an incredibly complex mystery.


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